OLV Announces New Location for 2022-23 School Year - March 15, 2022

Dear Friends,

Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Victory is excited to announce its new location for the 2022-23 school year: the campus of Littleton Church of Christ at 6495 S. Colorado Blvd. in Centennial.  

This facility is ideal for OLV’s next stage of growth, as we expect about 75 students across all four grades this fall. It offers a central south metro Denver location, bright classrooms, natural beauty with mountain views, a very welcoming host community, and more modern facilities with room to grow, including dedicated space for fine arts, school events, and daily Mass. 

With this move, OLV joins the majority of Chesterton Academies around the country who keep costs low and school quality high by leasing space on the campuses of Protestant churches. This location helps us sustain OLV’s unique business model of pouring our treasure into our families and teachers, while remaining responsible stewards of our facilities and our budget. 

But we need your support for this move in two important areas:

  • We will need to supply all of the furnishings for the classrooms and teacher workspace, such as desks, lockers, bookshelves, whiteboards, and seating. These costs will total about $63,000. 

  • We are quite excited about the need–and the opportunity!--to furnish the new space for the daily celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. OLV intends to purchase beautiful altar linens, sacred vessels, vestments, and a processional crucifix, among other items. What better way is there to show our students the beauty of the faith than glorifying God with beauty in the Mass? These liturgical items will cost about $30,000.

Your support for these critical capital expenses will be a long-term investment in OLV and its families. Would you please support this worthy cause during Lent this year?

Our Lady has greatly blessed OLV in the provision of this excellent new location. Please join us in rejoicing and thanking God for this gift.  

Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!
Yours in Christ,

Dave Holman, Chairman, OLV Board of Trustees